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Stanley's Stack Bookplate Stamp, by Anon, 19th C.

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The Library, by Robert Crumb

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Adeler, Max

Amory, Thomas


Mrs. Cromwell's Kitchen

London Guide for Strangers

     The Vicar of Bray
     The Shepherd Swaine

     Chevy Chase
Radical Pamphlets:
     The Brotherly Request of Those that are Called Diggers
      A Declaration of the Grounds and Reasons of the Diggers of Wellinborrow
      A Declaration of the Grounds and Reasons of the Diggers of Iver
      Tyranipocrit Discovered
     The Mournful Cries of Very Many Poor Tradesmen
       The History of the Human Heart


"Aristotle, the Famous Philosopher"


Baldwin, William

Barham, Richard H.

Barkley,  H. C.

Beeton, Mrs. Isabella

Bengtsson, Magnus

Blair, Rev. Hugh

Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus

Boruwlaski, Jozef

Breval, John

Bryan, William

Burton, Robert

Butler, Samuel


Camden, William

Carey, Henry

Carolino, Pedro

Cary, Mary

Carew, Bampfylde-Moore

Cebes of Thebes

Céitinn, Seathrún

Chatterton, Thomas

Clark, Charles Heber

Clarkson, Lawrence

Cleland, John
     The Midnight Spy
     Maria Brown

Cobbett, William

Colonna, Francesco

Coppe, Abiezer

Cooper, W. V.

Coster, Robert

Coventry, Francis

Croft, Herbert

Cumming, John


da Fonseca, Jose

de Cuellar, Captain Francesco

de Kock, Paul

    The Guardian Angel

    That Rascal Gustave

de Latocnaye, Chevalier

de Moncrif, François-Augustin

della Mirandola, Giovanni Pico

Democritus Junior

Dickens, Charles

D'israeli, Isaac

Dodd, Rev. William

Donne, John

    The Courtier's Library

    Death's Duel

Douglas, William

Duesbury, William

Dunton, John


Evans, Arise


Farquhar, George

Fitzgerald, Richard Lloyd

"Flammenberg, Lorenz"

Fox, George

Foxe, John

Freney, James

Fullerton, W. Morton


Gerard, John

"Gay, Joseph"


Goldsmith, Oliver

Gosse, Edmund

Grafton, Richard

Greene, Robert
   A Groatsworth of Wit Bought with a Million of Repentance
   The Complete Cony-catching

Green, Thomas    

Griffin, Richard    


Harington, Sir John

      The Metamorphosis of Ajax
     Nugae Antiquae

Harris, Jack

Hazlitt, William

Hemans, Felicia

Haywood, Eliza
     Selected Works, comprising:
     Love in Excess, or the Fatal Enquiry
     Idalia, or the Unfortunate Mistress
     A Wife to be Let

Hogarth, William

Hood, Thomas

Howgill, Francis

Hunt, Leigh
   Review of The Life of John Buncle

   The Prince on St. Patrick's Day



Jackson, William

Janin, Jules

Johnson, Thomas

Johnson, Captain Charles

Juan Manuel, Prince Don

Juvenal (Decimus Iunius Iuvenalis)


Kahlert, Karl Friedrich

Keating, Geoffrey

Kickham, Charles

Kingsley, Charles

Knapp, Andrew

Knox, John

    The Execution of Servetus for Blasphemy, Heresy, & Obstinate Anabaptism, Defended

    The First Blast of the Trumpet against the Monstrous Regiment of Women


Leeson, Mrs. Margaret

Legge, Francis

Lesage, A.R.
     The Devil on Two Sticks
     Gil Blas

Leroi, Armand

Lilburne, John

Linnæus, Carolus

Ludlow, FitzHugh


MacPherson, James

Mainwaring, Captain Henry

Malkin, B.H

Mandeville, Bernard

Mendès, Catulle

Middleton, Thomas

Millington, James

Merryweather, F. Somner

Monro, Robert

Montez, Lola

"Montgomery, Miss Betty"

More, Thomas
     The History of King Richard the Third
     The Life of Pico della Mirandola

Muggleton, Lodowick


Owen, John


O'Sullivan Beare, Philip

Ó Danachair, Donal (ed.)

Overton, Richard


Pain, Barry

Pater, Walter

Pelham, Camden

Percy, Thomas

Pigres of Halicarnassus

Pilkington, Laetitia

Pilkington, John

Plunkett, Peg

Psalmanazar, George


Reade , Winwood

Reeve, John

Rigg, J. M. 

Rigge, Ambrose

Ross, Martin


Salmon, Joseph

Sims, George

Skelton, John

Skirving, Adam

Smith, Captain Alexander

Smith, John Thomas

Smith, Nathaniel

Somerville, Edith Œnone
     The Silver Fox
     Slipper's ABC of Foxhunting

Southey, Robert

Stuart, King James VI of Scotland and I of England


Tany, TheaurauJohn

Thomas, Joseph

"Mr Thompson"

Twain, Mark

Twiss, Richard


Walker, Charles

Wharton, Thomas

Winstanley, Gerrard

Wilkinson, George Theodore

Woolf, Virginia

Wright, John


Frontispiece to Bibliomania; or Book-Madness, by Thomas Frognall Dibdin, Chatto & Windus, 1878 reprint

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